Monday, February 1, 2010

Thank God it's over

That was a very long weekend. It kind of fell apart yesterday. I was very stressed out. I yelled at my BIL and I was fed up with the whole weekend so what did I do? I ate pizza. 2 pieces of pizza. I would not have eaten them if they weren't in my fridge, but they were. We had almost a whole pizza left over and my Catholic guilt will not allow me to throw it away.

I am going out to dinner with my neighbors tonight and I have every intention of ordering something healthy. I have not had much to eat because my stomach was upset today. My niece came down with a horrible case of food poisoning so I really think my mind is upsetting my stomach. Food poisoning is not contagious and I did not eat the same food she did so I should be fine.

For the first time in a long time I didn't feel like working out and I didn't. I convinced myself that I was coming down with a horrible case of food poisoning and I will actually be helping my body if I didn't work out. My body is just tired from this stressful weekend and just wanted a day off. Or my mind did. Working out probably would have helped my mental state today, but I just couldn't force myself to get on the treadmill. I'm just in one of those "blah" moods today. I'm hoping after a good nights sleep I will be back to 100% and willing to work out.


  1. I'm sorry you had a rough Sunday and a "blah" Monday. I hope tomorrow is better!Hang in there.

  2. Who can throw pizza away? That would be a crime!! Hope you have a better day tomorrow :)
