Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm sitting on the couch last night, watching tv like I normally do and suddenly it hit me- OMG, I have not felt nausea at all today! Not one little tiny bit. I almost feel "normal!" You don't know how happy this has made me. About a month ago the nausea got much better, but every night I could still feel it. Something was off and I just didn't feel good. NOT ANYMORE! YIPPEEEE!!!!!

Tonight for dinner I made my beloved stir fry. I haven't had that, and actually enjoyed it for such a long time. I'm starting to think about eating much healthier. Eating to fuel my body instead of trying to make myself feel better when feeling so sick.

I've also been extremely tired. I just chalked it up to being pregnant. However, I realized that maybe my sleep apnea has returned. I lost over 30 lbs and didn't have sleep apnea anymore. I was able to stop using my CPAP machine. But, since I've gained almost 10 lbs, maybe I'm having trouble breathing at night again. I've also been waking up with horrible headaches, which again, I've chalked up to being pregnant. Now I am starting to realize that I need to wear the machine again. I've tried the last few nights but I get up at night and take it off. If I could just get a whole night under my belt I could determine if it's the sleep apnea or pregnancy. I'll keep trying until I get a full night with the machine on.

As far as my mojo, I think it's coming back tomorrow. My daughter is going back to school and I'm heading to the gym. I should be able to get 4 days in this week. I just need to move again. I feel so crappy not doing anything. I'm sore and just feel all around bad. Emotionally and physically.

I still have not hooked up my scanner. I have to clear off my desk and figure out how to hook it up. I will do it this week. I am dying to post the pics of the baby. It is just amazing how much you can see even though he or she is only 12 weeks old. It truly is a miracle.


  1. Really glad you're feeling better. Now you can focus on healthier eating for BOTH of you....and a little exercise. :)

    Still dying to see the ultrasound of your new baby girl.

  2. I am so happy for you--the day my pregnancy nausea went away was such a glorious day. Here's to many more nausea free days for you!

    Have you talked to your doctor about exercises? Mine was able to suggest a series of low impact exercises and stretches that not only kept me at least a little active but also helped with back problems later in the pregnancy.
