Monday, August 9, 2010


I went to the OB last week and was told that I'd hear by Friday if I had gestational diabetes. Friday came and went and no call. I was so happy all weekend.

Until today.....

I got the call. My levels were high and they are just assuming I have gestational diabetes. I feel like a failure. Although, the Dr did make it seem like I can't really avoid it if I had it the first time. I told him I have been really healthy this pregnancy (or at least healthier than my first pregnancy) and he shook his head and said that's good, but if the levels came back high they wouldn't even do the 3 hour test, they'd just consider me a diabetic.

Looking on the bright side, I get to go to the hospital on Wednesday and sit down with a nutritionist that has worked out a diet plan just for me. I can also ask her about exercise and if I am pushing myself hard enough. Doing this might enable me to actually lose weight this last trimester.

One thing that scares me is that gestational diabetes is usually a precursor to having diabetes later in life. Although I am on the right path right now, if I don't change my life for good, I will be diabetic. That scares the crap out of me. I don't want to have to give myself insulin shots or lose a leg later in life.

Maybe this is my wake up call once and for all. I've had a good run. 40 years of basically eating what I want. I guess now is the time to grow up and require more of myself. At least I've been in a good place lately so I can use this as motivation instead of a set back. I have to look at this as a good thing. When I have the baby, the diabetes will go away. Most people get it and have to work really hard to get rid of it. I am lucky. I've gotten a warning and can use this information to change my life.

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