Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Well I know that you are waiting to hear how I did. I am too. I have not gotten on the scale yet. I plan to weigh in on Friday morning.

I went to see my friend in PA and had kind of a crappy weekend. I got her meet her new boyfriend and I really didn't like him at all. He pretty much ignored me that first time I met him and that was just unacceptable to me. My friend knows that what he did was rude and really didn't have an explanation to explain his behavior. So that put a damper on our weekend. The second night he came over he was sick. I have no idea why he came over so sick, especially since I was there from out of town, but he did. So, my friend got sick and I did too. Really sick. I am still sick today. My eating has been way off and my exercise is non existent. I can't really breath so I just thought I'd give myself a few days before I weigh in.

Before I got sick my eating was horrible. After all my planning that I was going to eat healthy while there it all went down the tubes once I arrived. My friend said that her boyfriend decided he was going to take the weekend off of his diet so she was too which pretty much meant I would too. I really can't believe I didn't say "No, I've planned this and I'm going to do well" I am disappointed in myself that I did that, but I did and there's nothing I can do about it now.

I will post on Friday after I weigh in. I'm hoping that the non eating since I'm sick will out weigh the over eating over the weekend so I will still show a decent loss. I really doubt I will be able to work out this week because my chest is so heavy and I am having a hard time breathing without coughing my head off.

My friend did tell me that my face looked thinner when she saw me so that made me feel good. Today I am back on track with my eating. I'm not eating much, but my breakfast was a 6 point meal and I haven't eaten since then. I just hope I'm not disappointed when I see that number on the scale. I feel like I've put in the work to have a decent number, but we'll see I guess.

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