Sunday, March 20, 2011

Well, I failed miserably yesterday. I went to a charity scrap book event and the food and drinks were coming all day long, and boy did I take advantage. I paid $30 to be there so I had to stuff my face! At least that's what I kept telling myself. I felt physically ill when I left there at 10 pm and was ill most of the night. It has been a long time since I have eaten like that and I hope it's another long time until I do again. Ugh.....

And, I'm almost embarrassed to say this, but I'm going to try ANOTHER diet. Sigh....... The story of my life right? This one is the 17 day diet that Dr Phil has been promoting. I wasn't going to buy the book. I have a TON of diet books and no matter how intrigued I was, I wasn't going to give in. Then I got a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble that expired on April 1. I went to the website to redeem it and there is was. The 17 day diet book. So many people on Dr Phil have had success so it's gotta work right? I gave in and bought it dammit. At least I didn't spend "my money" on the book.

The 17 day diet is 4 cycles of 17 day diets. Each cycle has a different diet you follow. (I haven't read the whole book yet, but have skimmed though and gotten the basics) Cycle 1 is called "Accelerate" It's supposed to make you lose weight quickly. Supposedly new research is finding that losing weight quickly is the best way now. I won't go into all the why's of everything, I'll just give you an overview of the diet.

Cycle 1 is a lot like the South Beach diet only I can eat fruit! YES!! And Fat Free Yogurt! YES!!! However, I have to eat the "low sugar" fruit by 2 pm everyday. That will give my body the rest of the day to burn off the sugar. The yogurt is to give your digestive system probiotics. There's lots of reasons we need those and thank goodness I like yogurt now. I was thinking that if I could only have fruit on the South Beach diet I would have done well on Phase one. Well, this seems to be the answer to that complaint. We'll see how it goes.

I won't be starting the diet until a week from tomorrow. We have to go out of town for a funeral on Tuesday and I am not even going to attempt to do such a strict diet while out of town. I will only be gone for one (very long) day, but then when I get back I need to get the foods and finish the book so I fully understand what I will be doing. If I am able to start it sooner I will, but I'm not going to put pressure on myself to start it sooner.

Another thing that I will have to do is exercise at least 17 mins each day. That is going to be a tough one. Not the 17 minutes, but EVERYDAY.

The baby is crying so I have to go. I will update on my progress once I start the diet. Wish me luck!


  1. Don't be embarrassed of starting another diet, at least you're still trying to find the thing that works for you. You're not giving up, and I think that's fantastic.

    I even thought about the 17-day diet. Or the HCG diet. I have four friends doing this one with amazing results. HCG is the hormones from pregnant women's uring, injected by a doctor (with a needle!) once a week, or drops that you put under your tongue. Plus eat 500 calories a day. Pretty funny if you think about it. Yes, I actually considered it then came to my senses. :)

    The 17-day diet sounds healthy and sensible, and if Dr. Phil endorses it, it has to be good for you, right?

    I can't wait until you post how it's going. Maybe it's the magic bullet. I'm always looking for one.

    Personally, I hate the new Weight Watcher plan. I have to count calories because the free fruits and vegetables is a big, fat joke for me. Double the work and I'm still gaining weight.

    Take care and good luck!

  2. While my pre-PointsPlus weight loss was 2-pounds-a-week average and my PointsPlus weight loss has dropped to a 1-pound-a-week average, I still believe that Weight Watchers is a good plan, so I'm sticking to it.

    Since starting with PointsPlus I have been eating more fruits and vegetables, and that adds to my total calories. I know that I have become more lax in working the program since starting PointsPlus and doing things I shouldn't be doing, like eating until I'm too full and justifying that behavior with "I'm not over my points, and it's mostly fruit/vegetables." While that is all true, it is also true that I should never, ever, spend several hours after eating feeling bloated and uncomfortable. That is a behavior issue that I need to address, and that is the kind of help I can get from the other members at meetings and online, as well as my leader and the receptionists at my WW center.

    I wish you well on your weight loss journey, and your desire to not just achieve a healthy weight, but to make the adjustments to your lifestyle and emotions and psyche necessary to maintain that healthy weight for life.
