Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I feel sick to my stomach now. I have this HUGE bag of candy that was not given out at Halloween. My husband took our daughter trick or treating so I stayed home to hand out candy. As soon as they left the baby needed to be fed so I turned off our light and it never got turned back on. Now I have a huge bag of my favorite candy just sitting on my table, calling my name.

I have gained a pound because of that damn candy. I've been snacking on it all day long and I can't stop. HELP! I know I should just throw it away, but then my husband will start lecturing me about wasting food and money. ARGH! Where is my self control????

My stress level is at an all time high right now because my daughter and husband are both sick. This means zero help with the baby at night so I'm the one getting up and taking care of her. It's nice to have someone who can at least rock her to sleep after I'm done feeding her, but I really don't want her to get sick so my husband is staying away from her. Sigh......

I'm feeling defeated right now and powerless. I feel like a loser that can't control herself. Gotta go, the baby is crying!

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