Which leads me to my next point. I posted a newsletter from Cheryl Richardson the other day but never commented on it. I specifically wanted to comment on this line " Yup, that means being kind to yourself in spite of your stuckness. It means accepting your feelings of hopelessness so you can stop using so much precious energy trying to push these feelings away"
I am not kind to myself. I waste so much energy beating myself up for what I don't get done on a daily basis. It's time to STOP that. It's time to concentrate on what I can do and what I am doing. How good would I feel about myself if I didn't have negative dialog running in my brain almost all day long? How would that change the way I feel about myself?
I've written about this before. I've identified that I do this to myself. Now I am going to actively try to stop the thought patterns. Instead of going to the negative on days when I don't work out, I'm going to remind myself that everyone has days like that. I read so many blogs and EVERYONE that is battling weight gain is going through the same thing. It's a struggle. Maybe if I realize that, I will know that I will have good days and bad days.
I am going to start showing myself the kindness I show to others. I've even thought about posting positive affirmations around the house to remind myself to do this. I think if I get into a routine of doing this, it will start to come naturally. I'm betting I will feel so much better mentally and once that happens, I will want to improve physically. Not because I feel bad and guilted into doing it, but because I want to feel better about myself. I'm starting this today so I'll keep you posted on my progress.
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