I am excited about a couple of new recipes I'm going to try this week. They are Weight Watchers recipes that I have never tried before. I will definitely follow up and post pics if they are good.
I went to Trader Joe's last night and bought some ginger products. I got some triple ginger snaps and some chocolate covered ginger balls. Ginger is supposed to help with nausea so I'm going to give it a try. You can see chunks of ginger in these cookies. I'm afraid. Ginger can have quite a "bite" to it. I remember last time I was pregnant and didn't even know what ginger was. I went to TJ's and got some candied ginger globs. I took a huge one and just popped it into my mouth! Big mistake! I thought I was going to throw up right there in the parking lot. I didn't eat it again my whole pregnancy. This time I'm going to take it slow and take a nibble.
I've been avoiding the gym. I am not avoiding the gym because of not wanting to work out or being afraid to work out. I'm avoiding the gym because I've heard there is a nasty flu going around my area. I did not get the flu vaccine this year so I'm a little worried about catching it or my daughter catching it. I think I'm planning on going tomorrow. We are supposed to get 4-8" of snow tonight, so if I can get out of my drive way, I will go. I need to get back to some cardio. I need to get moving again. I feel like a couch potato and I don't like feeling like this.
RE ginger for nausea, as with any medicine - natural or otherwise - what works for some people doesn't work for others. I personally get great relief from nausea by chewing ginger gum. I found Sea Band Ginger Gum in a local store a few months ago and bought it thinking it might help with the queasy feeling I sometimes get. It worked GREAT for me, but now I don't remember where I bought it! :-( I may end up replenishing my supply through an online source if I can't find it locally soon. I've inquired at a few pharmacies and all I got was a stupid look from the pharmacist. Grrrr. Let us know how it goes with the ginger!
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel about avoiding public places for fear of getting sick. I have been taking mega-doses of vitamin C lately to help my immune system. I try really, really hard not to touch my face when I'm out in public and wash my hands immediately when I get home. I keep reading reports from the CDC that the single most effective way to prevent the spread of colds and flu is frequent hand washing, so I do. Of course that makes for a constant battle with dry, chapped, cracking hands. I'll be glad when winter is a memory ...