Thursday, February 4, 2010

I'm finding it difficult to exercise this week. I feel like a chicken with it's head cut off. I'm trying to get all the small details done for my daughter's 4th birthday party this weekend and I seem to be falling behind day after day, instead of actually getting ahead.

The good news is, I am back to my "pre weekend" and "pre Christmas" weight. Although I've only worked out once this week, my eating has been really clean so I haven't gained anything. Actually, I have lost. However, I think that is just the water weight I picked up from eating really bad last weekend.

Last night my husband comes home and his nose is running. I don't know if this is all men, but when he gets sick, the world stops. He can't do anything but lay around and complain. I truly believe that if men had to have babies instead of women, the human race would have died out a long time ago. The man cannot tolerate any kind of physical illness whatsoever. I just don't get it. If I had to guess, his mom took care of him each time he had so much as a sniffle and now he cannot do anything for himself when he is feeling under the weather. She is no longer alive so I cannot confirm this theory.

Even though I have dropped the ball on working out this week, I feel good. I feel like I am on track and once I get through this weekend, I will have time again to work out. This time it isn't that I don't want to do it, it's because I have all these other things to do and I feel they are more important. I guess someone would read that and say that I need to put myself first and take care of myself. I get that, and normally I would agree. However, this time I want to make this party perfect for my daughter, which will in turn make me happy. As long as I'm not gaining weight, I'm ok with taking a break this week from working out.

I also want to add that I've heard Jillian say time and time again on Biggest Loser that moms have to learn to put themselves first. That is so hard to do. When you conceive the baby, you have to watch what you eat and do to preserve the pregnancy and have a healthy baby. Then, once the baby comes out, you have to drop everything and take care of him or her. You can't tell a baby to sit quietly and wait while you work out. For about the first 2 years, you have to watch that baby to make sure they are safe and healthy. My "baby" is turing 4 and still requires a lot of attention from me. Yes, I can tell her that I'm going to work out and she can sit and watch tv now, but this is only recently that I've been able to do this. It's very difficult to suddenly turn off that switch and start thinking about yourself again, and even when you do, it's not like it was. You are always thinking about what you can do for that child that you love so much. I don't always put her first, but there are times when she comes first. That's just life. I also find it strange that Jillian is so adamant about moms taking care of themselves first and she has never had a child. She has no idea how all consuming the love is and at times, how we willingly put ourselves second or third or fourth because it makes us happy to see the people in our lives happy.

I'm not saying that moms everywhere should ignore their own needs and always do everything for everyone else. I'm just saying that it's not always that cut and dry.

1 comment:

  1. I like that, a vision board. What a great idea!

    How about finding a picture of a cute outfit you'd like to wear and cut it out and put it on your board? Or maybe you want to go on a beach vacation some day, put up a picture of a beach with a girl in a swimsuit (but not a too skinny girl), or hiking in the woods, a picture of some pretty woods by where you live. Or mountain climbing or scuba diving or...whatever it is that you want to do after you lose weight.

    It's such a good idea I think I might do something like that. :)

    Funny about your should read my Nurse Ratchet post from about a year ago - - it'll make you feel like an angel. :)
