This is going to sound silly, but I think my funk had to do with a book I was reading. I've been reading it for about a month. It's a great fiction novel about 2 friends who grow up together and are BFF's for life. Sounds great, right? ( I should also throw in there that I take my books with me when I go to the gym. I work out for an hour and read for the other hour my daughter gets in the daycare. I get 2 hours total a day and I try to take advantage of both hours) I've been reading this book for about a month now since I only get a few hours a day to read. When I read a book, I kind of fall into the world I am reading about. I really like to read (Twilight- YES. Harry Potter- Oh Yes) So, I'm reading this book, everything is great. Then, suddenly one of the main characters that I totally identify with gets an aggressive form of breast cancer and is dying! WTF?!?!?!? She has kids and dies! This is where I have to say that this is my biggest fear in life. My mom died when I was 13 and she was 44. (BTW, I am 41 now) Dying didn't scare me as much until I had my own baby. I am terrified of dying young and leaving her without a mom.
If I would have known this book was going to end this way, I would have never read it. Who wants to read a fiction book about something that is your biggest fear? So, I cried most of the day on Sunday because I had time to read and finish the book. Then I start thinking about what I would say to my daughter if I was dying and my husband and oh, it just went downhill from there......
Then I get up yesterday and I was up THREE fricken' pounds on the scale! HOW THE F*CK DOES THAT HAPPEN?? Is it even possible to gain THREE pounds in 2 days?!??!?!?
But, I am leaving that in the past. I am healthy and I will not die early and I will see my daughter have babies. At least that is what I am telling myself today so I will get my butt to the gym and have a healthy, long life.
Sodium in pizza equals big water weight gain. Don't worry about it too much, just drinks lots of water and stay away from salty foods.
ReplyDeleteAnd you're going to die someday, we all do. :) But I think you have a long, healthy life in front of you. Don't worry it away, just keep working on your health and the rest will take care of itself.