Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today is a new day. I keep saying that to myself every morning, and every day turns out to be the same as the day before.

Each night I go to bed telling myself that I will go to the gym the next day and eat healthy. Then, I get up, feel ok for about 45 mins and then the nausea kicks in. Have you ever worked out while feeling sick to your stomach? I just can't bring myself to do it. I try. I say the right things to myself in my mind. But physically going down my stairs into my basement and getting on the treadmill is impossible lately. Driving to the gym when it's cold and snowy? Forget about it!

As far as food goes, I am eating things that won't make me sicker. Lots of carbs, although they are whole grain carbs. Peanut butter (for the protein and the thought of it doesn't make me ill.) Salads just don't appeal to me right now. I like chicken instead of beef which is good.

I guess I'm trying to say I'm struggling. The last thing I want to do is blog when I'm struggling. I don't want to admit that I'm doing poorly. I don't want to admit that I feel like a failure. That is utterly ridiculous because I'm pregnant. There are things that are happening in my body that I can't control. The nausea is one of them. However, the not working out is not. I can control that. I am choosing not to.

There is about an hour each evening when I feel ok. I don't feel like puking and I could work out. Maybe I need to shoot for that. I will just have to tell hubby that he has to watch Ella while I work out. That might be difficult because he is in a mind set right now that I shouldn't be working out. He thinks I should wait to talk to the doctor before I work out. I would agree if I weren't already working out when I got pregnant. From everything I have read, it is ok to work out while pregnant as long as you don't get your body temperature up too high. He doesn't believe me.

I don't know, I just know that I need to change something. I'm still ok with my weight. I've only put on a pound and my BCI is high. (BCI = body crap index- yeah, we've all had those days) I just need a new routine. I do so much better when I have a routine. I just need to figure out what my new routine will be. I'm hoping after I see the doctor on the 17th that I will have new optimism about what I can and cannot do. My husband is coming with me to the doctor so if the doctor says I can work out (which he will) my husband will feel better about it. That's still over 2 weeks away so I need to figure out what to do in the meantime.

1 comment:

  1. When I'm nauseous, all bets are off. I can't do anything except lay in bed in a fetal position. I hate being nauseous.

    Therefore, don't feel so bad that you aren't able to work out right now. Once you start feeling better, you can ease back into it. You're building a baby right now and that's pretty intense stuff. :)

    When I was in my 20's I went to aerobics four times a week. It was high impact aerobics. My aerobics instructor who had also been my gym teacher in high school was about 60 pounds overweight. She was the best aerobics instructor in the world. Then she got pregnant and I thought she'd quit teaching. She didn't and she didn't change her routine at all. She did everything she'd done until she was eight months pregnant and looked she was going to have a baby any minute. Then she sort of slowed down a little. She'd doing partial jumping Jacks with one leg instead of full jumping Jacks. She had a very healthy baby right on schedule.

    I think once your husband hears the doctor say working out is okay, things will be better. And maybe the nauseousness will pass by then.

    Take care and hang in there! Great job too on not gaining a bunch of weight. You're really trying and that's super important. :)
