Monday, March 1, 2010

The snow is starting to melt and that is making me extremely happy. I can see half of the grass in my back yard and according to my car, it was 40 degrees today. Spring is on the way!

I am happy to report that today was day #2 of working out. I walked on my treadmill yesterday for 45 mins. Today I took my daughter to the gym and did 50 mins of cardio. One reason I like to go after my daughter gets off of school is because I get to the cardio machine at exactly 4 pm. Oprah comes on at 4 and I can watch her show while working out. It makes the time fly when I can watch tv and work out. I went in thinking I'd work out for about 45 mins today and I actually did 50 mins.

I guess I've finally come to the conclusion that even if I feel like crap, I need to force myself to work out. I have about 4 more weeks of this nausea and I can't not work out for that long. The scale has finally caught up to me and I've gained about 3 lbs. There are just days when nothing sounds good to me so anything that will not make me puke is what I end up eating. Tonight was Chinese food. I got the chicken and broccoli with white rice which isn't that bad, actually.

While I still do not have a handle on my diet, if I continue to regularly work out, I cannot do that much damage. My portions are small even if the food I choose is not always healthy. I know I am doing my best. I do not go to bed feeling like a failure. I go to bed knowing I am doing the best I can. I will get through this phase by the end of the month and I will feel 100% better and able to do more with my dieting.

One thing that kinda makes me sad but is really a good thing- I have NO desire whatsoever for pizza. I realized it today. I haven't had it in over a week and do not miss it at all. In fact, the thought of it makes me sick. Pizza was my drug. I could not live without it. It is so interesting to me that I can go without it and not miss it at all. Being pregnant sure does funny things to the body!!!

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