Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm back.. again. This is day #2 of feeling semi normal. Almost no nausea. I am cautiously optimistic that it is gone. Whew... Could it be? I will be at week #12 next week so it is entirely possible that it is gone for good.

This makes me feel like I am ready to go back to Weight Watchers. Not the meetings because they do not let pregnant women go on the plan, but just following it in general on my own. I will make sure I have an extra glass of FF milk to get those extra calories I need. If I'm hungry, I will eat. I won't be doing anything drastic, but I would like to slow down my weight gain. I'm up another half a pound, making it a 6 pound gain in about 9 weeks? Not horrible, but it could be better.

Yesterday my husband came up to me and patted my stomach and said "Boy, it's really starting to stick out isn't it?" I didn't know whether to hit him or laugh. I laughed. I've been feeling it. My pants are getting tighter and I feel like my stomach looks bloated all the time. Another reason I want to at least feel like I'm trying to be healthy.

I've been concerned lately about eating processed foods. I've been watching Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution" and boy has it opened my eyes. My daughter eats terribly and I am the one feeding her. Mostly it is because she never wants to eat so when she does, I give her what she wants. (I'm not talking about candy here, I'm talking about things like chicken nuggets) I'm going to start finding recipes that use fresh, whole foods. That means no more WW frozen meals for me which really kept me on plan before. I'm going to have to realize that this is going to take more time and effort to plan my meals, but so worth it.

I've been reading the book Dr Oz wrote about pregnancy and he says there is more and more research that says what you eat when the baby is inside of you really sets it up for life. Eating pizza and chinese food isn't going to be doing the baby any favors. I need to eat more fresh veggies and fruits. I'm starting this week. I'm feeling good and now is as good as time as any.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a good mom. You're daughter and future little one are very lucky to have you.

    Sounds like you have a good plan for you and your baby. Good job!
