Thursday, August 26, 2010

Opinons are like assholes, everyone's got one and it's damn irritating to me! I saw a different OB today and he gave me a totally different story then the one I saw last week. This one says there is no reason to induce me early and I don't need meds for the GD. Whatever. This is what I get for trying to control and plan my labor! I need to use this as a lesson to just let it go and see what happens. Normally I would but I'm worried about my 4 year old and what we will do if I go into labor in the middle of the night. I don't have family to help so I have to rely on friends which I hate doing.

I haven't been to my gym in over a week. Last weekend we had 2 tornado's touch down close to my house, one took down many of the trees in the parking lot of the gym and their power. They didn't have power for 3 days and as far as I know, no air conditioning. I couldn't talk myself into going once the power came back on. I can't work out in heat. I get sick when I get overheated. If I wasn't pregnant I wouldn't worry as much, but I just can't chance getting sick right now.

I think another reason I'm not really interested in going is because I'm maintaining my weight with this diet. I've actually lost a pound over these last 2 weeks. I think in my brain I think "Why bother working out when I can stay the same weight without out?" I know that working out will make me feel better (I've been unbelievably crabby these last few days) and will help with my delivery of this baby. Why isn't that enough to get my butt to the gym?

I guess there's always a reason to not go to the gym. I will never love exercise. There are people who lose all kinds of weight and then love working out. I don't think that will ever be me. Does it need to be to lose the weight and keep it off? Hopefully not. I don't love eating vegetables and I still do that. There are plenty of things I do that I don't particularly like to do, but I still do them. Maybe that will be how I can view exercise. A necessary evil.

I'm still surviving on this diet. I don't like it and I do crave sugar. I went to a birthday party last weekend and had a piece of cake. The next day I was craving sugar so bad I couldn't believe it. It just shows me once again that I am addicted to sugar and need to really be careful. Once I get over the initial cravings I'm ok, but once I have it again, I want more and more and more.

My daughter starts school in 2 weeks. Time is going to fly by after that and before I know it baby #2 will arrive. Yikes. I need more time...

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the exercise AND the sugar. I hate exercise. Just totally and completely hate it. But I do it because I have to. We really don't have choice in the matter if we want to be healthy.

    About the sugar, I'm the same way. Once piece of cake makes me want to eat the entire thing. Just better if I stay completely away from it. :)

    Sorry about the idiot OB you saw, but had to laugh over your opinions analogy. Haven't heard that for a while, but it's so true!

    About your daughter, you know your friends will want to help you out. It's what friends do. Just talk to them and explain the situation. I'm sure if they were in the same situation and asked you for help, you'd do everything you could to help them. You remind me of me. I always want to be independent and not ask anyone for help. Sometimes though, you just have to do it. This sounds like one of those times. :)
