Sunday, August 15, 2010

I will never complain about counting points again. I swear, I will be happy to count each and every point. That is easy compared to what I am doing.

I'm not complaining, honestly I'm not. It's good that I have to keep track of everything so carefully. I have not gained any weight in the last week and haven't really had to do much other than follow the diet.

It's the keeping track that's a pain in my butt. For breakfast, I get 2 carbs (30 grams), 1 meat and 1 fat. Then 2 hours later I get a snack of 1 carb and a meat. For lunch, 4 carbs, 2 meats and a fat, for a snack 2 hours later, 1 carb and a meat, then dinner is the same as lunch and then one more snack. Sounds easy right? Well, it's not. Eating six meals a day is not easy. Eating 6 "good" meals a day is almost impossible. When I get up and 2 hours after each meal I check my blood. So far that hasn't been that bad. 80% of the time I am within my range of where I'm supposed to be. When I'm not, it's pretty obvious as to why.

I've had to make some changes in what I eat as well. I love my sweets. I haven't been buying the WW sweets as much because I'm concerned about chemicals in the "fake" foods. But, I can't give up sweets altogether so I bought some WW desserts today. I tried making some low sugar cookies from scratch yesterday but they weren't that good and my sugar level was high this morning so I've decided to go for the "fake" foods until the baby comes.

Ok, so I guess I'm complaining a little bit. I don't mean to. I do feel better about this whole diet now that I've gone to the grocery store and found some good things I can eat. I will get the hang of it and I'm hoping some of this knowledge will stick in my brain so after the baby comes I can stay on track with healthy eating.

I've also realized that sometimes having 2 full fat cookies is better than 5 or 6 "diet" cookies. I guess I'm learning what's worth the calories and carbs and what's not. Maybe this will be the end of my mindless eating. I have to figure out EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth now. Will I be able to just shove in food without thinking about it later on after the baby comes? I sure hope not. I sure hope I remember how inconvenient this diet is right now and learn from this and not go back to my "old" habits. Maybe there is a reason I get to deal with gestational diabetes and will learn some valuable lessons. Again, I sure hope so.


  1. I'm sorry, I know this must be hard and frustrating too. But you're going to get through this. Once the baby comes and you don't have gestational diabetes you can go back to counting Points and have a more normal life. Just make note and remember how difficult this is now. That may help you in the future. Hang in there. It's all going to be worth it when that sweet bundle of joy is in your arms. :)

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