Thursday, August 12, 2010

I had my diabetes class and visit with the nutritionist yesterday. I have to say, it left me sad, confused and just plain old pissed off. I would much rather count points or calories then everything else they expect me to do for this diet.

First of all, I have to prick my finger and test my blood FOUR times a day. And it's not just any old time (ie mid day or evening,) it's 2 hours after I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also have to take it first thing in the am. I don't like keep track of every little thing.

I've said it before and I'll say it again- the doctor is the motivator of last resort. I kept hearing during the class that if you have gestational diabetes, you have a 50% change of getting it 5-10 years after having your baby. My daughter will be 5 in 6 months. I always knew my changes of getting it were higher, but not 5-10 years! Boy is that a wake up call.

I hate having to do this diet and draw my blood for the next 9 weeks. I can't even imagine doing it for the rest of my life. I will not. I will lose the weight after the baby comes to lower my risk even more.

I'm feeling just a little bit sorry for myself right now. Today was day #1 and I failed miserably. I have only taken my blood once and I skipped lunch altogether because that's how the day turned out. I need to get myself on a routine. I know it's doable and I can do it, but it will take me a few days to get into a routine and do it properly.

I just need a little time to feel sorry for myself and get over this feeling of being mad that I even have to do this. By tomorrow I will feel better about it all because I have nothing scheduled. I can sit down and really try to figure this out. I would try to explain the diet, but honestly, I don't understand it myself yet. Once I have a handle on it I can explain how it all works.

On a happier note, I have worked out 3 times so far this week. I took the water aerobics class last night at the gym and it totally kicked my butt. Much harder than last time. I loved it. I'm going to start taking that once a week. I worked up a good sweat and more or less kept up with everyone else. There are some things I can't do right now being pregnant, but I could do about 95% of everything.

I guess I should go poke my finger and see how I did with dinner. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry, but you know what, you can beat this diabetes. Just kick it right in the butt!

    Maybe you do have a 50% of getting it in 5-10 years, but you also have 50% chance of NOT getting it.

    You're a very strong, tough young woman and I know you'll do everything in your power to not let diabetes get it's hold on you.

    Stay strong!
