My out of town company has been here for 5 days now. Yes, it has been stressful. I have not buried myself in food though. I am really trying to be good. One day I told them I was going to the gym and I did. Today I went down into my basement and walked on my treadmill. I am carving out time for me as much as I can. I'm really proud of myself for doing this. My house is full of "bad" foods. I am not eating them.
I don't know if it is the fact that I am going to see my OB on Wednesday and don't want him to bring up the fact that I am gaining too much weight or if what I've learned in Geneen's book has really soaked into my brain. I'd like to think is the later. If this has finally sunk in I might actually win this battle with my weight. I am still thinking about what I put into my mouth before I put it in. I am at times deciding the calories are worth it (the deep fried Oreos) and at other times I have decided it's not.
I don't think I wrote about this before so I'll write about it now quickly. I got a new iPhone about a month ago. I've downloaded several programs to help me track my calorie intake and have found them extremely useful. One night my husband and I were going out to dinner and decided to go to Olive Garden. I started looking up the calories in my favorite dishes. Holy shit! There is no other way to say it. ALL of the dishes I like were over 1000 calories. Most had over 40 grams of fat in them. We decided to go somewhere else for dinner.
I have always been a kind of stick my head in the sand person. I don't want to know the calorie content of my favorite foods. Those days are over. If I'm going to consume 500 calories on something, I need to make myself aware of it before I do it. Sticking my head in the sand all these years has gotten me in the mess I'm in now. It's time to take my weight loss efforts seriously. I feel like I'm finally in the right frame of mind. Of course I'm 7 months pregnant which makes it difficult to lose weight, if not impossible. I just need to keep going with my thinking so after the baby comes, I can continue to maintain the healthy habits that I'm starting now. If I maintain my exercise program I'm on now, there will be no stopping me! I will be at my goal weight by next Spring. Just wait and see.
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