At the end of last year I was feeling kind of low. I felt like my life wasn't going anywhere and I needed a change. The Church I attend was having a "burning bowl ceremony" and I decided I was going to go. I felt like leaving lots of things behind in 2009 and felt this might help me mentally get started in this process. I don't go to Church often enough. I wish I went more, but I'm lazy when it comes to giving up my sleep on Sunday mornings. However, I have visited this Church over the past few years when I go and have always loved it. They are more liberal than most Churches and accept just about everyone. They also believe that God loves you no matter what and for the record, I do not believe in Hell. So, on New Year's Eve I went to the burning bowl ceremony and I left there feeling great. I felt lighter somehow and optimistic about life and what 2010 had to offer. I will never forget as I was walking out of the Church this old black lady grabs me, hugs me and says "God loves you." Wow, that was strange but so powerful at the same time. One day I will hug some random person and tell then that God loves them. Hopefully they won't call the police.
On Friday my daughter and I walked up to the mailbox to get the mail. I got a letter! A hand written letter. When was the last time you received a hand written letter? I was pretty excited. I got home, opened it up and the letter was from me! During that ceremony we each wrote a letter to God saying what we were thankful for in the coming year. Kind of "attracting" what we wanted by putting it in writing.
(I should probably explain a little more about the ceremony. We each had a small piece of paper and we wrote what we wanted to get rid of in our lives. I put negativity, judging other, etc. Things I do that I didn't want to do anymore. On the top of my list I wrote Infertility. I was tired of thinking about getting pregnant- or I should say not being able to get pregnant. Whatever happened, I wanted the issue to either leave my head- as in give up trying- or go away. Then we all walked up to the front of the Church and threw the paper into the fire.)
What did my letter say you ask? The very first line said "Thank you for allowing me to get pregnant with a healthy baby." I wasn't pregnant on New Year's eve. I got pregnant weeks later in January. Boy did that really jump out at me. I "burned" my issues with infertility and "gave it to God" as some would say and look what happened.
I also write "Thank you for helping me break my addiction to food and letting 2010 be my healthiest year yet." That is true at this time. It might be because of the pregnancy, but I am healthier now than I was last year.
I guess I should say that I also wrote about resolving some family issues which unfortunately did not happen. I guess I haven't really taken action to help those situations resolves themselves, but I guess that gives me something to write about this New Year's eve doesn't it? But, the year isn't over yet. I still have months to work on this one.
My challenge to you is to do your own burning bowl ceremony. Write down what you want to get rid of in your life. Burn the paper and then write down all the things you want to attract into your life. Put the piece of paper away and don't look at it for a while and see what happens. Notice I didn't say write it down and forget about it. You don't want to do that. Write it down and periodically think about it and see what you attract. Also, be thankful for the things that are in your life. If you are always thinking negatively you will attract negativity. If you are thankful for the good things in your life, you will attract more good things. Go ahead, just try it....
Im in
ReplyDeleteI totallywhollyUTTERLY believe in the Law of Attraction
and when I wane? life reminds me.