I hesitate posting this, but I am having a great f'ing week! I feel motivated and I feel good and it has been a long time since I have felt both those things at the same time.
I think it started when I went to see my OB last week. I was telling her about my symptoms of peri menopause and how I am feeling "off." After a long conversation she gave me an RX for some anti depressants to take between ovulation and my period. It seems my symptoms are worse during this time so she thinks it might help. But, she also stressed twice that losing weight and exercising would help the symptoms just as much as the pills. So, my wheels started spinning and I started to get a small spark of motivation.
Then I think it was Friday of last week I ran across a post on Facebook from a woman who has lost 100 pounds. I don't know her name but her Facebook page is phit to phat or something like that. I downloaded one of her podcasts and OMG! My mind was blown. She said everything I had been thinking. But, she put a no BS spin on it. For instance, she said not every meal has to taste good. Sometime you have to eat what you need to eat to hit your goal, and it might not taste good! Who would have thought that? I like to have a party in my mouth for every meal!
She also said you need to plan out your meals for the next 24 hours and STICK TO IT. Do not eat anything that isn't on your plan and written down. I started this past Monday. On Sunday I sat down and wrote out all my meals and snacks for the week. If it wasn't on the paper, I didn't eat it. And, since it was all nutritional meals and snacks I wasn't hungry all day long. I haven't really worked out a certain "diet" yet because my first step is to just write it all down and stick to it. I think I will do that next week and then figure out an eating plan.
Next week will be a tough week for me. My daughter turns 7 and the one year anniversary of my BFF's death is the same day. I have to get through the family meal for my daughter and then her big party for her friends and extended family. It will be hard resisting all the good food that will be around, but I can do it. I have control this time. It's not like I'm going to a party somewhere else. I can plan healthy food for myself because the party is here, at my house.
I just feel like my last few posts have been negative and I FINALLY feel good and wanted to share it. I will follow up after my daughters party and hopefully report that I stuck with my plan and I felt great. I have also decided not to drive myself crazy weighing in everyday so by that time I will have weighed in and will be able to report how much I've lost! Life is good!
Go you girl!!! This sounds great and it's very inspiring. I've been listening to Phit-N-Phat podcasts since January and I love her. I haven't visited her webiste so I'll have check it out. A couple other podcast I love are Primal Potential with Elizabeth Benton. I don't do the primal diet, but she has a ton of good advice. She's lost 130 pounds. Also Heather Robertson on Half Size Me podcasts - another great one. Heather has lost 170 pounds (I think) and she has guests on that have lost 100+ pounds. All very inspirational. I love podcasts. They've sort of replaced blogs, which is sad in a way, but also fun. :)
ReplyDeleteI like podcasts because I can listen to them while I'm working out. Some days I need music but most days I can listen to podcasts, get ideas and inspiration and start my day off right!