I'm not even going to read my last post. I know it was bad. I was in a bad place. I'm still not 100% back to being motivated, but I'm on the right track.
I have about 8 weeks until we leave for our big trip and I'm starting a more focused plan tomorrow. I have all my menus planned out for the week and I got all the foods I need today. I'm ready to go. What I'm doing now is carb cycling. I'm still eating carbs, but just less on some days and more on others. My body responds very well to a lower carb diet, so that's what I'm going with.
I also went back to the gym on Friday and my 3 year old actually liked it. I wasn't going because she cried every time I wanted to go. Now she is looking forward to going so we'll go tomorrow. I work on Tuesday and Thursday so I will work out on the other days.
I need a plan to succeed. I can't just say I'm going to "be good" and just see what happens. That doesn't work for me. What works is having my meals written down and a work out plan. If I know what I'm going I am more likely to do it.
My goal is to lose 20 pounds before I leave for my trip. I hope it's enough to make a difference. I was on my feet for 3 hours today and I am feeling it now. I'm going to be one my feet for at least 8 hours a day on our trip. If I don't start following this plan I'm going to be in trouble. I don't want my husband or kids to have to slow down because I've let myself go so much.
My goal is to write a post once a week. I don't even think anyone is reading this anymore, but I think I need to record this. My goal is to lose 4 pounds this week. My birthday is on Friday and I'm going to really try to not go crazy on that day. The best gift I can give myself is getting healthy. Wish me luck!
I'm still reading! Every time you post, I read it. I don't comment as much as I use to, but I'm still here. Like you, I've gained a bunch of weight back and struggling. As we at least make an attempt, I figure it's better than nothing. Take care!