I have been doing pretty well with my diet and I'm getting back into exercising slowly. Last week I finally took the baby to the gym. The first day she cried on and off while she was in the daycare, but not enough for them to call me out. The second day was much of the same. She survived but didn't love it. That night is when she got the fever. That was on a Tuesday and by Thursday night her fever had reached 105 and we had to take her to urgent care. They did some tests and couldn't find the source of the infection so they sent us to the hospital. Talk about scary!
They had to draw some blood, catheterize her for urine and take a chest X-ray. About 2:00 AM (the baby was still awake and VERY crabby) the doctor came in and said they couldn't find anything wrong with her so it must have been a virus she picked up. Damn. So of course my husband is once again saying he doesn't want me to take her to the gym daycare. I can totally understand his concern, but damn.... What am I supposed to do? If I take her to the gym I am a terrible mother who doesn't care if she gets sick. If I don't take her to the gym, I can't work out nearly as effectively.
The other solution is going to the gym after my husband gets home from work. This is something I don't really want to do because when my husband is home with the kids, he watches the kids. Period. He doesn't do anything else like clean up dishes from dinner or clean the house. Right now when he comes home from work that's generally my time to catch up on things. If I go to the gym, that time is gone and my house will turn into a pig sty. Honestly, I am not a neat freak by any means, but 2 kids and a husband can quickly turn my house into a total mess.
Yesterday and today I did walk on my treadmill in my basement for exercise. It is a good work out, but I'm afraid if that's all I do my body will get used to it and it won't be as effective. But, as of right now this is my best option until I can figure something else out. I need to sit down with my husband and come up with a schedule. Some nights I can go to the gym when he gets home and other days I can work out in my basement. One positive thing about this is if I don't need the daycare at the gym, I can switch to a cheaper gym. Right now I go to the most expensive one in town, but it was worth it for the daycare.
I will keep my membership for at least another month because I have 3 training sessions left with the trainer and I want to get those done. She can start getting me on the right track as far as strength goes.
I also realized something today that made me very happy. Since Jan 1 I have lost 17 pounds. I knew I had lost weight, but I didn't think it was that much. If I lose 40 by the end of the year I will be ecstatic. I am half way there and June is just in a few days. It feels really good to know I am half way through the year and I've actually accomplished something. Usually I am just disappointed in my progress, but 17 pounds isn't that bad at all.
I can figure out how to get this done as far as working out goes. I don't have a choice. I wish it didn't get so hot here in the Summer or I could walk outside. I just have to find the perfect combination of what works and make myself do it. I am actually to the point right now where I don't hate exercise. I don't love it, but I can get through a work out and not count down the seconds until I'm done. That's something right?
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