Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm trying a new diet starting tomorrow. I need some structure. Just "trying to be good" is not working for me. I'm going to combine elements of both the 17 Day Diet and the South Beach diet.

On the 17DD you cannot eat red meat during the first cycle. I don't like that. On the South Beach diet, you can't have any carbs the first phase. I don't like that either. So, what I'm going to do if eat any kind of meat and eat only fruit until 2 pm like in the 17DD. Fruit will be the only carb I allow myself. And, I'm going to allow myself sugar free desserts like Jello and popsicles. Both are allowed on the 17DD but not on South Beach.

Confused yet? I just don't like either diet on it's own. I find them both too constricting so I do well for a few days and then go on a binge because I've been so deprived. This way I'm combining good elements from both diets and I'll see what happens. I'll give it a solid week before I decide if it's working.

I know this kind of sounds like I'm just taking the easiest route for both diets, but it's not really like that. I'm trying to set myself up for success instead of failure. It's better then what I'm doing now which is pretty much nothing. I'm going on vacation in a few weeks and I'd really like to lose 10 pounds before I go. These are not vanity pounds. These are pounds I need to lose so my clothes are comfortable when I'm out of town.

Tomorrow my 5 year old goes to Kindergarten for her first day. I'm getting so sad about this. I've been looking forward to it for weeks now, but now that the first day is actually here, I'm sad. I'm sad that these first 5 years of her life have gone by so quickly and it's only going to go faster and faster from here on out. I'm glad I'll have the time with the baby though. I'm sure we'll find plenty to do to keep us busy. (Like go to the gym)

1 comment:

  1. I think combining the two plans for what works best for you is a fine idea. Maybe you'll come up with a brand new diet that will rock the world.
