I had blood work taken at the doctor a couple weeks ago. I got a call saying everything was A OK. That means I am NOT pre diabetic! That means my cholesterol is good. Everything is GOOD. This means that if I lose weight now, I might not have done any permanent damage to my body.
Next week Tuesday is a day I am dreading. I scheduled a colonoscopy and a scope down my throat. I have been on acid reducing medicine for over 5 years now and my doctor wants to make sure there isn't any underlying issues causing the acid. And the colonoscopy is because I had polyps when I was younger so they want to check me out every 7 years (I'm 2 years overdue for this one)
My point is, if these tests come back ok, I feel like I might have a second chance. It might not be too late to change my body and not really have any lasting affects (except loose skin) to being overweight for so long. There is always a little voice in my head telling me I am too old to change. That even if I do lose weight, I'll just gain it back like I've always done in the past. Maybe this isn't true. Maybe it's not too late for me.
I know one thing for sure, I will lose weight next Monday. I only get clear liquids all day long! Ugh, I remember the prep being much, much worse than the actual test. I will be completely knocked out so I won't feel a thing, but a day of not eating will be hard.
I'm not saying I'm giving up on this week because I'm not. The weather is beautiful here today so I'm loading the girls up in the stroller and taking them for a walk. If it gets over 80 degrees I'm going to take them to the pool this afternoon. I'm going to take advantage of this beautiful weather and get out and walk this week. I've also got some healthy meals planned this week so this week should be a good week.
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