Friday, June 3, 2011

This post is probably going to be totally off subject but I just don't give a damn. It all ties in together I guess.

How can 2 people live together and be so out of sync? I just don't get it. I know marriages have their ups and downs but lately mine is down and can't get back up. My husband and I have been fighting like cats and dogs lately and we can't understand the other person at all. He says I blow things out of porportion and I think he doesn't care enough about anything.

Because of this I've been eating. Tonight was the dreaded pizza. Because I've been on pins and needles with him when he texted me earlier today and asked if I wanted this pizza place we've been wanting to try, I said yes because I thought it would make him happy. I didn't tell him I had already bought 2 steaks and was planning on grilling tonight. I didn't want to cause another fight.

I feel defeated once again. I just can't get out of my slump. Because the baby has some ongoing health issues hubby doesn't want me to take her to the gym because she might gets sick. However, he is unwilling to let me go in the evening after he gets home from work. My other option is to get up at 4:30 AM and go work out before he goes to work.

I really do know that life could be worse. I really try to count my blessing each and every day. There are some days though when I feel empty and know that I need to make a whole bunch of changes. Nobody can do it for me. I need to start somewhere. Just one thing. I'm too scattered when so many things need to be fixed and too overwhelmed. Ok, enough of this. I'm getting tired of hearing me whine......


  1. Not to minimize your feelings, but I really think you're just going to rough spot. Every marriage has them.

    Seriously, there are days when I wonder why on earth I ever married my husband, we're so different. Then there are days (sometimes in the same week) when I think how lucky I am to have found such a great guy.

    We've been married almost 23 years and we go through cycles. Bad cycles where I want a divorce, good cycles where I'm happily married.

    You'll pull through this, I know you will.

    Could you do some exercises at home while the baby is napping? I know it's harder to do it at home, but it's possible. Or walking with the stroller now that the weather is nicer? I know you can get in some exercise without going to the gym. Just think of it as doing it for yourself, no one else. You need to be a little selfish and take care of yourself, in order to be a good mom and wife. :)

    Hang in there kid!

  2. Things will get (if they're not already) better!! I'm sure everything going on with Macy doesn't help the tension level either. Let me know anytime you want to get out of the house to go for a walk, pool, etc.
