Welcome to Motherhood.
My daughter had her last day of school and an end of the year picnic. We had a few play dates scheduled. Blah, blah, blah. The list goes on. I could have gotten up early to work out. I didn't. I could have made healthier choices, I didn't.
I think the only thing saving me from completely hating myself is the fact that I've been having fun. I'm not sitting around worrying about what I'm not doing. I'm trying to stay "in the moment" with what I'm doing these days. I'm trying to enjoy what I'm actually doing and not thinking about what I'm not doing. I know this will be a fleeting feeling, but I'm taking advantage of it while it's here.
I am also not gaining any weight. I will say it again, it feels so freakin' good to not count every damn calorie. To say "To hell with it" and enjoy myself (in moderation) I know that once this baby comes I will feel like I have to watch it all again so that means I've got 20 more weeks to ride this feeling out and try to enjoy life a little bit more.
I have managed a few work outs this week and I plan on continuing to go to the gym. I still have the problem of having to go to the bathroom every half an hour. That really disrupts a good work out! I had the idea the other day that next week I'm going to try to get up a little earlier and get 30 mins of exercise in here at home. Then, later in the day I will take my daughter to the gym and work out another 30 mins. That will total an hour a day which is fine for me.
I have been telling myself that I also need to start doing my pre natal yoga DVD. I don't want to put it off any longer. I need to get more flexible before I have this baby. It makes it much easier to push a baby out when you can basically wrap your feet around your head and push.
So, once again I have loosey goosey plans. Today it is not bothering me that I am not doing better. Tomorrow it might, but for today I am going to visit with an old friend while my daughter has a play date and not worry that I am not going to the gym.
20 more weeks until the baby? Congrats!