Friday, January 29, 2010

I want to start by saying I read this blog and she's giving away stuff. Check it out:
I entered, you should too!!!

Now, onto the good part. I have lost FOUR pounds this week! I hate to say that my husband was right, but boy, oh boy was he right. I haven't been doing anything differently, except maybe only doing the strength training DVD's 3 times a week and cardio 5 times a week. I've added in every WW point for working out. I'm never hungry and I feel really good.

Yesterday, my BIL called to tell me that he and his daughter are coming into town today and staying the weekend. My daughter is so excited that her cousin is coming to stay. I am too, but I am also a little worried about my eating. I have a tendency to tell myself that it's a special occasion and I can go ahead and pig out.

They showed up today about 3 pm with a Cafe Mocha from Starbucks in hand. My niece knows I love them so what was I supposed to to do? I drank it. We also went out to dinner. However, this time I absolutely pigged out..... on the salad. My plan was to go in, fill up on the salad so I wouldn't eat the pizza that was coming. I had 2 pieces of pizza, which for me is pretty good. I had 25 points left for the day going into dinner as well as 31 flex points for the week, so I think I actually might be ok.

I did the LCW today and tomorrow I was going to take the day off, but I'm going to try to do cardio. I think it might help with all the calories I consumed today.

One thing I cannot figure out is when I see an improvement on the scale, I am happy at first and as the day goes on I think about ways to sabotage myself. It's not conscious, I just find myself thinking about the "bad" foods or wanting to "cheat." I would think that having a good day would make me want to eat healthy, but it almost has the opposite affect. I don't understand that at all. I want to lose weight. I want to be healthy. What am I scared of??

I have a few theories that I won't bore you with, but I need to figure this out. I've been thinking about a professional therapist. I've been in therapy before and actually liked it. I can't say that it helped me figure out any of my issues, but it was nice to talk to an impartial person about my life. I just wasn't getting anything out of it so I stopped going. It may be time to start again and get these things figured out once and for all.

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