This is an actual conversation I had with myself this morning:
Me- You really need to stop this yo yo dieting and start losing weight for good
myself- yes, but it's so hard. We keep doing this over and over and it's all we know
Me- I'm so tired of this though. I want to lose weight for good and stop hating myself
myself- Don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing the best you can
Me- I'm going to start a diet again. Tomorrow. I will start it tomorrow
myself- That's crazy talk. Everyone knows you can't start a diet on a Wednesday. It has to be a Monday
Me- I can start it tomorrow. I can start it any day I want to it's my body
myself- Ok, fine. Start your diet tomorrow, but what are you going to do this weekend? It's Mothers day. You know you are going to go out to dinner and pig out. You only get one Mother's day a year. Do you really want to spend it dieting?
Me- True. That would suck. But I'm just so disgusted with myself. I have to do SOMETHING.
myself- And next weekend you have the women's retreat. You will have no control over what you eat there. There is really no point in trying to lose weight before the end of the month. This time of year is always busy with the kids wrapping up school and all the activities they have.
Me- That is unacceptable. If I don't start now I will never lose this weight for good. You don't understand how miserable I am on a daily basis. My body is sluggish and I feel like crap. I get a good start and lose a few pounds and then something comes up and I gain it back. And I do that over and over and over. Will it ever stop?
myself- I don't know.