Baby update- this time around is so different from when baby #1 came. I am much more calm and know what to expect. She is the best baby! She is breast feeding like a champ and each night I'm getting more and more sleep. At first she didn't like her bassinet, but these past 2 nights she has given up the fight and started to sleep at night. When you go from getting an hour of sleep a night to 4 hours, it's is pure joy! I used to think I needed 8 hours of sleep to function, but I've found out that 4 hours will do.
I've come up with a weight loss plan. I can't "officially" do any dieting or exercising for 6 weeks, which is fine with me. That will take me to the beginning of December. Right now my plan is to slowly get back into the swing of things throughout December. If I can manage to not gain that month, I will be ecstatic. The holidays are always tough for me, but this year we are going to keep everything low key because of the baby.
I am happy to report that as of last week I am only 10 pounds over my pre pregnancy weight! I am SO HAPPY about that! Even if I just maintain right now for a while, to have to lose only 10 lbs after having a baby is really good. These past 2 days I have been wearing my pre pregnancy jeans. They are a *little* snug, but not too bad.
I am thinking about counting WW points again. I know you can follow the plan while breast feeding so I might do that. Or, I might email the dietician and have her modify the gestational diabetes diet for a breast feeding mom. Both I can do now, although the instructions said not to "diet to lose weight" for 6 weeks. But, I know WW does allow breast feeding moms to follow the plan. I am going to do some research and contact the dietician and see what she thinks. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize my milk production (Yes, I feel like a cow) but I also don't want to make the mistake I made with baby #1 and start gaining weight.
The best news I have to report is I have no signs of post partum depression. I was so worried about that. I feel great. Tired at times and not happy all the time, but that's normal when you are dealing with a new born. I feel nothing like I felt the first time around. I know I need to keep watching for signs, but so far I feel really good. I think the fact that hubby is helping out much more this time around helps too. He was afraid the first time around, but this time he's diving right in and helping.
That's my update. I am looking forward to getting healthy by the end of 2011. My 25th high school reunion is in August so that gives me a target date to hit my goal. I am feeling optimistic and excited about getting back on track and getting healthy. Life is so good!!!